Frequently Asked Questions

What are veronica anne rae consulting rates?

Veronica Anne Rae offers transparent pricing with no hidden fees or secret agendas. For an average project, she charges a monthly retainer rate of $2,500 - $3,000, which includes a Scope of Work (SOW) document outlining the projects and outcomes to be achieved.

For smaller projects, which would require fewer than 30 hours per month, or for advisory, Veronica offers an hourly rate of $150/hour. Examples of these projects or advisement consultations are: A 3 month email campaign, board engagement questions, leadership coaching (ongoing advisory), individual crowdfunding projects.

Recognizing that community initiatives and organizations vary in needs and capacity, Veronica offers sliding scale retainer rates, payment plans, and pro bono options. She encourages potential clients to share their stories and schedule a free 30-minute discovery call.

Veronica has identified a common barrier for community organizers: a lack of campaign strategy and fundraising knowledge. She has seen too many vital campaigns struggle and fail, leaving critical needs unmet. Veronica steps in to provide the necessary expertise to empower individuals and community members who are doing hands-on work but lack the resources to succeed.

What is veronica’s approach?

Veronica is a member of the Community Centric Fundraising movement and takes notes from founder, “rabble-rouser,” and writer of the blog NonProfitAF, Vu Le. Her approach prioritizes:


Veronica prioritizes the entire community over individual or institutional goals and survival.

Movement Building

In all her work, Veronica’s ultimate goal is to mobilize collective power.

Emergent practice

Actions are iterative and will change and evolve over time, depending on greatest need and areas for movement building.

equity and social justice

Veronica is trained in anti-racism, systemic oppression, equity, and wealth disparity.


Working together is the only way we’ll be able to create the world we want. Let’s do it.

transformation over charity

The work we do in our communities is not charity. It’s necessary, collaborative, interdependence. This work is transformative - not transactional.

How long does a contract last?

The minimum amount of time that we would work together is 6 months. A bulk of the work is done behind the scenes, before a campaign even launches. A client has the opportunity to renew during the analysis and evaluation period in the 6th month. Termination of contract is available with 30 days notice.

We’ll take this case by case, but hopefully this gives you an idea.

How does it work?

Fill out this form and tell us about your situation. If it seems like a good fit, we’ll schedule our free discovery call. From there, after we both agree to work together, Veronica will create a contract, a timeline, and schedule weekly 1:1 calls with you.

Veronica works with you throughout the process. In fact, your enthusiastic participation is an essential aspect of a successful project. The people most likely to give to your cause are the people closest to you, your inner circle. From there, we have a broader reach in different demographics, but relationships are truly the heart of resource mobilization.